Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Social Mainstreaming for Gender Equality Organization -The organization teamwork after a meeting on 15/07/2017 at the head office Morogoro-Tanzania

Reviewing and approve Strategic Plan of SMGEO Financial Policy Recruitment Policy Projects of this phase
Gender Equality for Development +255753599827

Monday, 3 July 2017

Tumuunge mkono mh. Rais kupinga mimba mashuleni !!!

*Na Mwalimu Upendo Chikoti* Tangu Mhe. *Rais JOHN POMBE MAGUFULI* alipotoa kauli yake ya kutopokelewa kwa wanafunzi wanaotoka kujifungua katika shule za umma, kauli hiyo imeibua mijadala mbalimbali katika jamii, huku walio wengi hususani wanaharakati wakionekana kumpinga kwa madai kuwa hatua hiyo ya Mhe. Rais ni ukiukaji wa haki za elimu kwa watoto wa kike.
Ukweli ni kwamba Serikali ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania inajali, inalinda na kutetea haki na ustawi wa watoto wa jinsia zote kwa kusimamia sheria, sera na mikataba ya Kimataifa inayolinda haki na ustawi wa mtoto. Kwa kulitambua hilo, Serikali imekuwa ikifanya jitihada mbalimbali kuhakikisha kuwa kila mtoto anapata elimu. Kwa Mfano, utekelezaji wa Mpango wa Elimu kwa Wote (Universal Primary Education-UPE), Mpango wa Maendeleo ya Elimu ya Msingi (MMEM), Mpango Maalum wa Elimu kwa Walioikosa (MEMKWA), Mpango wa Maendeleo ya Elimu ya Sekondari (MMES) na sasa Mpango wa Elimu Bure kwa shule ya Msingi na Sekondari. Lengo la hayo yote ni kuhakikisha kuwa Watanzania wote (wakiwemo watoto) wanapata Elimu kama haki yao ya msingi. Hata hivyo, bado jamii imekuwa ikichangia kukwamisha jitihada hizo kwa kuzuia watoto wao kwenda shule kwa kuwatwisha majukumu mbalimbali kama vile kazi za ndani, kuchunga mifugo, kilimo, biashara, huku wazazi na walezi wengine wakidiriki kuwashawishi watoto wao kufanya vibaya kwenye mitihani ya kitaifa ili wasiendelee na masomo na kupata nafasi ya kuwaozesha katika umri mdogo. Hivyo tusitumie kauli ya Mhe. Rais kama chanzo cha ukiukaji wa haki za watoto kwani ukiukaji wa haki za watoto unafanywa na jamii yenyewe kwa kushindwa kutimiza wajibu wake wa kumlea mtoto katika maadili, mila na desturi za Kiafrika na badala yake tunatumia Mikataba ya Kimataifa kuharibu tamaduni, mila na desturi zetu. Yatubidi tutambue kuwa mikataba hiyo inapaswa kutekelezwa bila kuathiri mila, tamaduni na desturi zetu. Aidha, Serikali imekuwa ikipinga mambo yote ambayo yana athari katika jamii licha ya kwamba yana sura ya haki za binadamu katika jamii husika na ndiyo maana imekuwa ikipinga vikali suala la mapenzi ya jinsia moja, ukeketaji na mengine mengi kutokana na athari zake kwa jamii. Aidha, kwa mujibu wa mafundisho ya Dini na tamaduni za Kitanzania ni dhambi na mwiko kwa mtoto kushiriki tendo la ndoa kabla ya kuolewa. Hata katika nchi za wenzetu hasa Uarabuni ni marufuku mwanamke kuzaa nje ya ndoa. Je kuhusu wanafunzi waliopata ujauzito kuendelea na masomo siyo kwenda kinyume na mafundisho ya dini? Tusijikite zaidi kupigia kelele suala la wanafunzi hao kurudi shuleni baada ya kujifungua, bali tufikirie pia athari zinzoweza kumpata wakati wa kujifungua, malezi ya mtoto atakayezaliwa bila kusahau kuwa mtoto huyo naye anahitaji kutimiziwa haki zake za msingi. Je watatengewa vyumba vya kunyonyeshea mashuleni? Wakiugua nani atawahudumia? Ni dhahiri kuwa hatuwezi kupinga mimba za utotoni, ndoa za utotoni, watoto wa mitaani, ombaomba wala kumaliza tatizo la vifo vitokanavyo na uzazi katika umri mdogo kwa kubariki mimba mashuleni. Ni ukweli usiofichika kuwa wanafunzi walio wengi wamekuwa wakipata ujauzito kwa kurubuniwa na watu wao wa karibu kwa vitu vidogo kama fedha, chips, vizawadi na starehe binafsi. Watu hao tunaishi nao katika jamii zetu na hata baadhi ya wazazi na walezi wamekuwa wakishiriki kuwalinda ili wasifikiwe na mkono wa sheria. Ni vema tukatambua kuwa tamko la Rais ni Sheria kwa mujibu wa katiba ya nchi. Hivyo ipo haja sasa kila Mtanzania kwa nafasi na wadhifa alionao kumuunga mkono Mhe. Rais kwa kuelekeza nguvu zaidi katika elimu rika kwa watoto na kuelimisha jamii juu ya athari za mimba za utotoni na umuhimu wa kulinda haki za watoto na kuwafichua wale wote wanaokwamisha watoto kutimiza ndoto zao ili sheria ichukue mkondo wake. Mwalimu Upendo Chikoti Shule ya Msingi Mkonze - Dodoma


Mwanamke au msichana kupata ndoa utotoni kabla ya umri wake miaka 18 na kupata mimba au kuingiliwa kimaumbile. • Hupatwa na madhara yafuatayo: A. Msichana kuingiliwa na mwanaume kabla ya umri ama wanaumri sawa au mwanaume anayemzidi umri. ( i) Hupatwa na magonjwa ya kupasuka mirija ya uzazi haswa kwa kuwa mwanaume ana nguvu na spems zinaweza kupasua mirija midogo ya kukomaza njia ya uzazi. Hivyo baada ya muda wa kubalehe mirija za uzazi ziko wazi - Hivyo kupata mimba inatunga nje ya mfuko wa uzazi. Hivyo basi mimba nyingi za namna hiyo huzaa kwa njia ya kupasuliwa (operation service) kwani -Mfumo wa uzazi hauna nguvu ya kupokea yai la kiume (ii) Mbegu za kike aliyeingiliwa na mwanaume aliye na umri mkubwa huacha kukomaa baada ya Hedhi yake kwani shahawa au mbegu za kiume zilizokomaa huvunja nguvu zaidi ya yule msichana.

Social Mainstreaming for Gender Equality Organization (SMGEO)- Tanzania: Early Marriage !!

Social Mainstreaming for Gender Equality Organization (SMGEO)- Tanzania: Early Marriage !!: Early marriage is a global issue. It is quite common in the African and Asian countries. However, the consequence of early marriage is ser...

Early Marriage !!

Early marriage is a global issue. It is quite common in the African and Asian countries. However, the consequence of early marriage is serious, which can violate the rights of adolescence, both in this generation and the next.
It affects the education and well-being of millions of children and has a knock-on effect for the poverty and development of communities. Simply put, early marriage can violate children basic rights to a childhood, to an education, to good health and to make decisions about their own lives. Early Marriage Leads To Tragedy For a Young Woman In Africa The physical, emotional and social effects of early marriage are varied, but one of the most common outcomes is the withdrawal of girls from formal education. Traditionally people in some rural villages value marriage more than education of the girls. Many girls stop school because of getting married. Husbands of young wives are often older men, who expect their wives to follow tradition, stay at home and undertake household and child-care duties. Schools often have a policy of refusing to allow married or pregnant girls or girls with babies to return. So all the rules, timetables and physical conditions make it too difficult for a girl to attend school and perform her duties as wife and mother at the same time. Besides education, personal maturity is another problem they have to face in the early marriage. While immature and irresponsible actions may sometimes seem funny before marriage, they can become serious pitfalls within the marriage bond. One of the surest signs of immaturity and irresponsibility in both young men and young women is a lack of willingness to do a reasonable share of work in a consistent, dependable way. A third potential problem of early marriage is the problem of growing apart. This simply means that while two young people in their middle teenage years have much in common, that in many cases, our ideals and goals change as we pass the teenage years, to such an extent that we may easily find ourselves married for life to a person with whom we will ultimately have very little in common. Additionally, having babies too young, brides of early marriage are at an extremely high risk for fistulas and they have a higher risk of being infected with sexually transmitted diseases and at an increased risk of chronic anemia and obesity. Statistically, child brides have a higher risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence, sexual abuse, and murder. In order to prevent the early marriage, we should raise consciousness about the extensiveness of early marriage and seriously consider the potential problems it relates. Government should establish safe spaces for girls to gather and socialize to increase access to economic skills and resources. Additionally, we should raise awareness of the health and rights implications of large spousal age differences and inter generational sex. Efforts should be taken to support married adolescent girls by decreasing their economic vulnerability, offering schooling, civic participation, and livelihoods opportunities, developing interventions to reduce their social isolation. SMGEO 2017

Saturday, 15 April 2017


Be happy with yourself and your life, and make it a great one, even if you do that alone. You yourself make it a happy, fulfilled and successful life, with or without a partner.. Direction for Happy Independence: Ladies, you are the Queen of Your Own Life, now and forevermore. Rule your life wisely and well. Be happy now and make the happiest life now, starting today. Do not wait to be happy. Do not wait for someone to make you happy. Do not wait to get this or that, or be this or that, or have this or that, or wait for any person, ever. Don't wait for anyone to give you, get you or bring you anything at all. Wait for nothing and wait for no one. You are the one that you are waiting for, and you always will be.
Don't delay, because today is the day. Don't delay living your life to the fullest, and wait for happiness to be brought to you, given to you, awarded to you, or bestowed upon you. You can have it right now, right here, just as you are, in your pajamas, sweats or jeans. You don't need a royal crown, robe and scepter to be a happy, fulfilled and successful woman. You don't need a king to make you a queen. You don't have to marry a prince to be happy, or to have a "happy ever after." You don't have to even have a prince and you don't have to be married to be happy. You can be royally happy and be a princess perfectly well on your own. Many women are perfectly happy and successful and fulfilled without a romantic partner at all: with no sweetheart, boyfriend, husband, lover or man. A queen with a king who's not loving, supportive, faithful, kind and an equal partner in the kingdom they're creating together will not ever be a happy and productive queen, no matter how big and beautiful the crown the king gives her. A man and a marriage does not guarantee any woman happiness. Actually, many women are quite happy without romantic partners, and they do quite well on their own, and they've chosen -- and continue to choose -- to be on their own. There are women who say, "no" to the "prince" (who may not treat them that royally now, or in the future, much less forevermore), and they never regret it. No one -- no man, husband, no prince, no king, no knight on a white horse -- and no marriage proposal, no ring, no marriage, no title of "wife" or "Mrs." can raise your status any higher when you're already a great woman on your own merits. Say no to what glitters that is not truly golden, that can tarnish. Say no to anything or anyone that limits you, lessens you, controls, oppresses, suppresses and represses you, or diminishes your power to be happy, successful and fulfilled, independently. Always say "yes" to yourself, in all ways. Say "I do" to you.🤔😲

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Wanawake ni nguzo ya jamii na uchumi wa nchi, asema Ruto

Naibu Rais William Ruto katika kongamano. Ruto anataka wanawake kupewa nafasi sawa katika jamii ili kuiendeleza. [Nation/] Naibu Rais William Ruto amebaini kuwa Afrika haiwezi kuendelea kwa kumdhalilisha mwanamke, ila tu kwa kumpa nafasi murwa ya kujiendeleza katika sekta zote za maisha.
Ruto, katika ukurasa wake wa Facebook amefafanua kuwa dunia inadororesha sekta mbali mbali kwa kutomhusisha mwanamke katika maswala ya kiuchumi. "Kongamano hili litumike katika kuimarisha nafasi ya mwanamke katika masuala ya uchumi na biashara kote duniani ili kujiendeleza kimaisha," alisema Ruto. Naibu wa rais amesisitiza kuwa wanawake humu nchini wanendelea vizuri katika maswala ya kiuchumi hasa kutokana na kuwawezesha kupata huduma za mikopo pamoja na mpango wa fedha za Uwezo. “Huduma kwa wanawake, watu wenye ulemavu pamoja na vijana wameendelea kibiashara, swala ambalo lina umuhimu sana kwa maendeleo ya taifa hili,” aliongeza Ruto. Ujumbe wake vile vile umeungwa mkono na Rais wa Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, ambaye ametaja kuwa uhuru wa kumiliki ardhi kwa wanawake ni jambo ambalo linapaswa kushughulikiwa kiundani sana maanake ardhi ndio nguzo muhimu katika uzalishaji. Sirleaf ameongeza kuwa mwanamke ni nguzo ya jamii, huku akitoa mfano wa taifa lake la Liberria ambamo kupitia kwa mshikamano wa wanawake, taifa hilo limepata nafuu kutokana na hali ya utovu wa amani ambayo ilikuwa imelikumba kwa takriban miaka miwili.